How to request read receipt in outlook webmail
How to request read receipt in outlook webmail

Use the enter key or space bar to activate a control.Use the arrow keys to move up and down a list of messages in a folder.Use tab and shift-tab to move the focus forward and backward among the active regions.You can navigate through Optimum Online e-mail by using either the mouse or keyboard: The panel sizes will remain as you set them until you resize them again or sign out. To increase or decrease the size of a panel, click on the bar that separates it from its neighbor and adjust the size using the mouse. The Sidebar (left panel) displays your e-mail folders.

how to request read receipt in outlook webmail how to request read receipt in outlook webmail how to request read receipt in outlook webmail

The Preview Panel (lower right panel) shows the content of the current message.The Message List (top right panel) shows the contents of the current folder.

How to request read receipt in outlook webmail